Show Your Ongoing Support


Sustainable Giver

$25 in ‘25
12 monthly gifts of $25

Foundation Supporter

Quarterly gift of $75

Foundation Leader

Quarterly gift of $150

Foundation Fellow

Quarterly gift of $250

Foundation Curator

Quarterly gift of $625


One-Time Donations

Directed Endowment Fund ($20,000 minimum) 

Your gift will be placed in an investment fund of which only the distributions by the investment will be used for matters of greatest need. This type of gift will ensure that the principal sum donated will always be available to support the mission of the JC Schools Foundation. An administrative fee of up to 10% associated with the administration and distribution of the Endowment income may be assessed annually from the income. 

General Endowment Fund 

Gifts are unrestricted and can be given in any denomination. The JC Schools Foundation uses these funds to further its mission. 

Temporarily Restricted Funds

A gift given for a specific purpose. Restricted by the donor, these dollars are typically used for a specific project, school or teacher grant, or memorial scholarship. It can be given in any denomination. Will incur an annual two percent fee. 

Pass-Through Gifts

A gift is given to a District building, project, etc., through the Foundation for tax-free purposes.

Life Insurance

A gift given by a donor that has indicated the JC Schools Foundation as the sole beneficiary on their life insurance policy


Publicly traded stocks and bonds that have current marketable value will be accepted at any time. The gift's valuation shall be the average of the security's high and low trade prices on the day it is donated. 


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