Mid America Bank Give Back Program Teacher & School Grants: Fall Distribution


Mid America Bank is very excited to partner with the JC Schools Foundation to help impact and improve the lives of students and staff within the District. The Fall distribution cycle is an additional process to our spring grants. We encourage you to apply below!

The Deadline for applications is Friday, October 18, 2024, at 4:00 pm.

Special Thanks to Mid-America Bank!

Apply Now for

Teacher & School Grants

Each year, the JC Schools Foundation has the honor to provide additional monetary support for innovative teaching ideas and specific educational needs through building and teacher grants. The funding for these grants is provided by friends, donors, and supporters of the Foundation. Without the commitment and support of these families and businesses, our job would not be possible. We are truly humbled by this opportunity to provide our teachers and students hope for a better tomorrow!

The 2024 Spring Grant Deadline is Friday, March 1st, at 4:00 pm.

Special Thanks to our 2024 Grant Sponsors!

The family of Bobbie Howard

The family of Julie Finley

The family of Michelle Ruth

Supporters of the Major Saver Program

All donors and supporters of JC Schools Foundation